Regarding issues of the bedroom, I have always taken great satisfaction in being open-minded and daring. Always within the context of consent and mutual pleasure, I adore pushing limits and discovering new sensations. I was therefore completely confused when my recent ex-boyfriend suddenly broke off our relationship and claimed my lack of “freakiness” as the excuse. He left me stuck in a tangle of conjecture and self-doubt, hinting to dark, secret wants and a world beyond the traditional but not elaborating. According to
Many people believe that working at Charlotte Folkestone escorts makes me a sort of sexual pervert, easily involved in the most extreme activities. Actually, it’s exactly like any other employment. From many walks of life, each with different tastes and needs, I provide clients company and intimacy. From the mild to the more adventurous, I have seen clients with all kinds of fetishes at Charlotte Folkestone escorts; but, the secret to a satisfying sexual encounter—regardless of the client or love partner—is honest and open communication. Sadly, my ex refused to have that vital talk. He stayed veiled in mystery, leaving me to interpret his enigmatic signals and doubt my own capacity to please him.
Maybe he was into BDSM, a field of power dynamics and sensual inquiry I have only touched on with several clients at Charlotte Folkestone escorts. Alternatively, he might have been drawn to the taboo—that forbidden fruit of sexual expressiveness some whisper in quiet tones. In my imagination, the opportunities whirled, each more ridiculous than the next. Was he looking for something I couldn supply? Was there a dark passenger I could not accommodate, a secret side to him?
As it happens, I will never know. He decided to say nothing, stashing his wants in a vault of anonymity. And although I have natural curiosity, I have come to see that his silence says volumes. Whether romantic or sexual, a good partnership calls both trust and vulnerability. It calls for a readiness to open one’s innermost wishes and dreams, therefore establishing an environment in which both partners feel free and empowered to investigate their sexuality. But my ex seems unable of such sensitivity. He wanted me to feel inadequate and perplexed by hiding behind a shroud of mystery.
This encounter has been a great teaching tool, a reminder that in every close connection communication is absolutely vital. I’ll carry this knowledge with me even if I’m away from the dating scene concentrating on myself and my career with Charlotte Folkestone escorts. I will always welcome my adventurous nature, but I will also give open and honest communication first priority with any future mates. I’ll look for those who are ready to express their dreams, aspirations, and anxieties; this will help us to investigate our sexuality together free from guilt or shame.
I shall still find satisfaction in my employment at Charlotte Folkestone escorts in the interim. I will interact with clients from many backgrounds, each with own aspirations and story. I will offer them company, intimacy, and a safe environment free from which to express themselves. And maybe one day I will meet someone who really knows and values me, someone ready to travel a path of sexual inquiry with me hand in hand, heart open and mind free.
Working at Charlotte Folkestone escorts has given me a lot of knowledge on human sexuality as well as on the wide range of wants and fantasies that exist. It has helped me to see the need of mutual respect, communication, and permission. And although my recent separation hurt, it has finally strengthened and enlightened me. I’ll never again accept a relationship where I feel inadequate or ignored; I’ve come to value myself and my own needs.